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Previous Editions (Limited Stock)

Previous Editions (Limited Stock)

  • JFODS5: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 4th Rev. Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • JFODS4: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 4th Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • BSS5: The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 5th Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • The Stability, Peace & Counterinsurgency SMARTbook (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • MEU2: The Marine Expeditionary Unit SMARTbook, 2nd Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • SMFLS4: The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistics SMARTbook, 4th Ed. w/Change 1 (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • TLS6: The Leader’s SMARTbook, 6th Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • SUTS2: The Small Unit Tactics SMARTbook, 2nd Ed. w/Change 1 (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • BSS6: The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 6th Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Rev. Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • AODS5: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • AODS5: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed. w/Change 1 (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • TLS5: The Leader's SMARTbook, 5th Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • TLS4: The Leader’s SMARTbook, 4th Rev. Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 2nd Rev. Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 3rd Rev. Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • AODS6-1: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 6th Ed. w/SMARTupdate 1 (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 1 – Joint Strategic & Operational Planning (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • INFO1: The Information Operations & Capabilities SMARTbook (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 1 – Joint Strategic & Operational Planning, 2nd Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

  • The Air Force Operations & Planning SMARTbook w/SMARTupdate 1 (PREVIOUS EDITION)

Military Reference: Multi-Service & Specialty

Military Reference: Service-level

Joint, Strategic, Interagency, & National Security

Threat, OPFOR, Regional & Cultural

Homeland Defense, DSCA, & Disaster Response


Books in Development


TLS6: The Leader’s SMARTbook, 6th Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

TLS6: The Leader’s SMARTbook,  6th Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION) See a Sample
ISBN-13 :978-1-935886-84-6
ISBN-10 :1935886843
Release Date :Mar 4th, 2021
Cover Type:Gloss U.V. Coating
Binding Type:Plastic Comb
Print Inside Pages:Black and White
Trim Size:5.5'' x 8.5''
Total Pages:392

Paperback Edition

Price: $42.95 $36.95


Digital Edition (Adobe Digital Editions)

Price: $42.95 $29.95


Bundle & Save (Paperback + Digital)

Price: $85.90 $49.95

Upgrade/update to the NEW 7th Edition (TLS7)!

TLS6: The Leader’s SMARTbook, 6th Ed. (Mar 2021) has been superseded by a new seventh edition TLS7 (Aug 2023), but copies are still available here for readers looking for this specific edition or as required material for a specific course or class requirement.

Or upgrade/update to the NEW edition! Click "HERE" to browse the new TLS7 edition!

TLS6 is the sixth edition of The Leader’s SMARTbook, completely updated for 2021. TLS6 incorporates the full scope of new material from ADP 6-22 Army Leadership and the Profession (with Change 1), ADP 7-0 Training, and FM 7-0 Train to Win in a Complex World. Jam-packed at 392 pages, topics and chapters include military leadership (ADP 6-22); leader development (FM 6-22); coach, counsel, and mentor (ATP 6-22.1), team building; (ATP 6-22.6), military training (ADP 7-0), train to win in a complex world (FM 7-0); unit training plans, meetings, schedules, briefs; conducting training events and exercises; training assessments, evaluations and after action reviews.

Among professions, the Army Profession has unique characteristics because of the lethality of our operations. The Nation tasks the Army to do many things besides combat operations, but ultimately the primary reason the Army exists is to fight and win the Nation’s wars through prompt and sustained land combat, as part of the joint force. The Army must always be prepared to accomplish this mission through the application of lethal force.

Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization. As an element of combat power, leadership unifies the other elements of combat power (information, mission command, movement and maneuver, intelligence, fires, sustainment and protection). Confident, competent, and informed leadership intensifies the effectiveness of the other elements of combat power.

The Army depends upon itself to develop adaptable leaders able to achieve mission accomplishment in dynamic, unstable, and complex environments. A robust, holistic leader development program is essential. Through a mix of education, training, and experience, Army leader development processes produce and sustain agile, adaptive, and innovative leaders who act with boldness and initiative in dynamic, complex situations to execute missions according to doctrine, orders, and training.

Leaders have three principal ways of developing others. They can provide knowledge and feedback through counseling, coaching, and mentoring. The military is a team of teams composed of numerous organizations with one overarching common mission: win the nation’s wars. The ability to build teams through mutual trust and maintain effective, cohesive teams throughout military operations is an essential skill for all commanders, staffs, and leaders.

The Army trains to win in a complex world. To fight and win in a chaotic, ambiguous, and complex environment, the Army trains to provide forces ready to conduct unified land operations. The Army does this by conducting tough, realistic, and challenging training. Training is the most important thing the Army does to prepare for operations. Training is the cornerstone of readiness. Readiness determines our Nation’s ability to fight and win in a complex global environment.

TLS7: The Leader’s SMARTbook, 7th Ed.

AODS7: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 7th Ed.

OPFOR SMARTbook 1 - Chinese Military

OPFOR SMARTbook 5 - Irregular & Hybrid Threat

SUTS3: The Small Unit Tactics SMARTbook, 3rd Ed.

BSS7: The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 7th Ed.