To request a quote or pro forma invoice, perhaps the easiest way is to select your items and place them in your shopping cart, then select “Alternate Payment Method” as your payment method. You will receive a detailed email complete with an order number, your organization’s shipping and billing addresses, itemized book with shipping/handling costs, and our company contact information. All quotes and proforma invoices are valid for 60 days.
Need a Written Quote or Have a Question?
If you need a quote or have special requests (such as incorporating shipping costs into the item costs), or if you require additional information, please contact us by one of the methods below.
(863) 409-8084
Mon – Fri 0900-1800 EST
24-Hour Order & Voicemail
12144 Stonelake Ranch Blvd
Thonotosassa, FL 33592
Ready to Complete Your Purchase?
When you are ready to complete your purchase, you can either re-enter your order through our website, or you can reference your original order number and provide your (Government Purchase Card, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, or JCB) credit card payment details (name on card, card number, CVC and expiration date):
- Direct by phone Mon-Fri 8 am – 6 pm EST at (863) 409-8084
- in an electronic (Word) or scanned (PDF) document to:
- PayPal payment to:
- by FAX to our 24-hour voicemail/fax/order line at 1-800-997-8827
- by calling our 1-800-997-8827 voicemail line (and recording your information)
Other methods of payment include check/money order to The Lightning Press, 2227 Arrowhead Blvd., Lakeland, Florida 33813 or via wire transfer/ACH payment (contact us for our bank details). We can also accept purchase orders (PO) from contracting organizations.
- For additional information on government and military orders, please see our government sales page!
- All of our books are in stock and ready for shipping. For additional shipping information and estimated delivery times, see our shipping and handling page!
We have the capability to accept and process both Government Purchase Cards (GCPC/GPC) from card holders and Purchase Orders (PO) from Contracting Organizations.
NO SALES TAX (for Government/Military orders)
All orders to Federal Government organizations and military units are TAX FREE. To order using your GPC, select the option to pay by “Credit Card” or “Gvmt Purchase (GPC/GCPC).” Ensure the “Govt Tax Exempt” box is checked (upon final checkout after entering your shipping/billing address).

NO SALES TAX for official government/military orders. Select “Gvmt Purchase (GPC/GCPC)” as the Payment Method or ensure the “Govt Tax Exempt” box is checked (upon final checkout after entering your shipping/billing address).