OPFOR SMARTbook 3 - Russian Military, 3rd Ed. (OPFOR 3-3)

Russian Military Forces, Operations & Tactics
Whereas previous editions were an examination of historical Soviet-era forces, OPFOR SMARTbook 3: Russian Military, 3rd Ed. (OPFOR 3-3) is completely updated for 2025 focusing instead on present-day Russian Federation forces as observed in their third year of war on the battlefields of Ukrain...
View BookMilitary Reference: Multi-Service & SpecialtyView
Recognized as a “whole of government” doctrinal reference standard by military, national security and government professionals around the world, SMARTbooks comprise a comprehensive professional library designed for all levels of Service.

BSS7-1: The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 7th Ed. (w/SMARTupdate 1)
BSS7-1: The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 7th Ed (w/SMARTupdate 1*) is completely updated for 2024 to include FM 5-0 w/C1, Planning and Orders Production (2022); FM 6-0, Commander...
SUTS3: The Small Unit Tactics SMARTbook, 3rd Ed.
SUTS3: The Small Unit Tactics SMARTbook, 3rd Ed. is the third revised edition of The Small Unit Tactics SMARTbook, completely updated for 2019 to include ADP 3-90 Offense ...
TLS7: The Leader's SMARTbook, 7th Ed.
TLS7 is the seventh edition of The Leader’s SMARTbook, completely updated for 2023. TLS7 focuses on gaining the human advantage and leadership as a dynamic of combat ...
Military Reference: Service-levelView
SMARTbooks can be used as quick reference guides during operations, as lesson plans in support of training exercises, and as study guides at military education and professional development courses.
AODS7: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 7th Ed.
AODS7: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 7th Ed. (Multidomain Operations) is completely updated with the 2022 edition of FM 3-0. AODS7 focuses on Multidomain Operations
MAGTF: The MAGTF Operations & Planning SMARTbook
The MAGTF Operations & Planning SMARTbook topics and chapters include Marine Corps roles & forces, the Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF), expeditionary operations, Marine Co...
MEU3: The Marine Expeditionary Unit SMARTbook, 3rd Ed.
MEU3 is the third edition of the MEU SMARTbook, updated for 2020 with 34 pages of updated/additional material and a return of the original GBC plastic-comb binding. The Mar...
Joint, Strategic, Interagency, & National SecurityView
The dawn of the 21st century presents a global environment characterized by regional instability, failed states, increased weapons proliferation, global terrorism and unconventional threats. Achieving national strategic objectives requires effective unified action resulting in unity of effort -- to include interagency, intergovernmental, nongovernmental and multinational partners. This is accomplished by collaboration, synchronization, and coordination in the use of the diplomatic, informational, military, and economic instruments of national power.
JFODS6: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 6th Ed.
JFODS6 is the sixth revised edition of The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook. JFODS6 is completely updated for 2023 with new/updated material from the latest editions of JP 3-0 Joint...
Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 1 - Joint Strategic & Operational Planning, 3rd Ed.
JIA1-3 is the new third edition of our Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 1: Joint Strategic & Operational Planning (Planning for Planners), completely reorganized and updated with the latest join...
INFO2 SMARTbook: Information Advantage, 2nd Ed.
INFO2 SMARTbook: Information Advantage (Activities, Tasks & Capabilities) is the second edition of our INFO SMARTbook, completely updated for 2024 to include ADP 3-13, Information (Nov '23)...
Threat, OPFOR, Regional & CulturalView
In today’s complicated and uncertain world, it is impossible to predict the exact nature of future conflict that might involve U.S. forces. So the military must be ready to meet the challenges of any type of conflict, in all kinds of places, and against all kinds of threats. Additionally, this category includes resources related to countries, cultures and nations in the world, with emphasis on training, advising and assisting.
OPFOR SMARTbook 1 - Chinese Military
OPFOR1 topics and chapters include the strategic environment (understanding China, defense & military strategy, strategic & operational environments, territorial disputes), force struct...
OPFOR SMARTbook 2 - North Korean Military
OPFOR2 topics and chapters include the strategic environment (intro to North Korea, capabilities & intent, framework for military operations), force structure (KPA: Ground Forces, Navy, Air...

OPFOR SMARTbook 3 - Russian Military, 3rd Ed. (OPFOR 3-3)
Whereas previous editions were an examination of historical Soviet-era forces, OPFOR SMARTbook 3: Russian Military, 3rd Ed. (OPFOR 3-3) is completely updated for 2025 focusing instead on presen...
Homeland Defense, DSCA, & Disaster ResponseView
Disaster can strike anytime, anywhere. It takes many forms—a hurricane, an earthquake, a tornado, a flood, a fire, a hazardous spill, or an act of terrorism. In the past decade alone, natural disasters of considerable severity resulted in 699 Presidential Disaster Declarations, an average of nearly six per month.
HDS1: The Homeland Defense & DSCA SMARTbook
HDS1: The Homeland Defense & DSCA SMARTbook chapters and topics include homeland defense (JP 3-28), defense support of civil authorities (JP 3-28), Army support of civil author...
Disaster Response SMARTbook 1 - Federal/National Disaster Response
This SMARTbook provides a detailed explanation of National Response Framework (NRF) and National Incident Management System (NIMS), as well as discussion of the Multiagency Coo...
Disaster Response SMARTbook 2 - Incident Command System (ICS)
Incident Command System chapters and topics include ICS Purpose, Features and Principles; ICS Command and Staff Functions; ICS Leadership and Management; ICS Dealing with Compl...
Keep your SMARTbook up-to-date with the latest doctrine! In addition to revisions and changes, we publish incremental "SMARTupdates" when feasible to update changes in doctrine or new publications in our SMARTbook series. These SMARTupdates are printed/produced in a format that allow the reader to insert the change pages into the original GBC-bound book by simply opening the comb-binding and replacing affected pages.

Change 1 (Feb '25) SMARTupdate to BSS7
SMARTupdate 1 to BSS7 (ATP 2-01.3 (C2)/ FM 1-02.2) updates the first printing of the BSS7 SMARTbook (Oct ‘23) by incorporating terminology changes from ATP 2-01.3 (C2), Intel...
Change 1 (ADP 3-13/JP 3-04) SMARTupdate to INFO1
SMARTupdate 1 (ADP 3-13/JP 3-04) to INFO1 updates the first edition of the INFO1 SMARTbook (Jul ‘21) by incorporating changes from ADP 3-13, Information (Nov ‘23), JP 3-04,...
SMARTsetsView All
The ''WARFIGHTING'' SUPERset (7 books)
Save the MOST when you order our SEVEN Most Popular Military Reference Titles together! Save $62.65! (Bundle the print and digital versions together...
The ''ARMY'' SMARTset (5 books)
Our "Army" SMARTset includes the following five books: AODS7: Army Operations & Doctrine (Multidomain Operations); BSS7-1: Battle Staff (w/SMARTUpdate 1); SUTS3: Small Unit Tactics; TLS7: Leaders;...
''Multidomain Operations'' Planner's SMARTset (2 books)
BSS7-1: The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 7th Ed. (w/SMARTupdate 1) is designed specifically to work hand-in-hand as a planner’s companion guide to AODS7: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook (Multido...
The ''OPFOR THREAT'' SMARTset (5 books)
Our ''OPFOR THREAT'' SMARTSet includes the following five books: OPFOR SMARTbook 1 - Chinese Military, OPFOR SMARTbook 2 - North Korean Military, OPFOR SMARTbook 3 - Russian Military, 3rd Ed., OPFOR S...
Save when you order our JFODS6: Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook and Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 1: Joint Strategic & Operational Planning (3rd Ed.) books together. Save $14.90!
The ''INFO + CYBER'' SMARTset (2 books)
Save when you order our INFO2 SMARTbook: Information Advantage and CYBER1-1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1) books together. Save $14.90! (...
The ''NAVY'' SMARTset (3 books)
Our Navy SMARTset consists of the three titles most often purchased by our Navy readers -- includes the Naval Operations & Planning SMARTbook, JFODS6: Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, and...
The ''AIR FORCE'' SMARTset (3 books)
The Air Force SMARTset includes the three most requested titles by our Air Force readers: AFOPS2: The Air Force Operations & Planning SMARTbook (2nd Ed.), JFODS6: Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SM...

The ''WARFIGHTING'' SUPERset (7 books)
Save the MOST when you order our SEVEN Most Popular Military Reference Titles together! Save $62.65! (Bundle the print and digital versions together...

The ''ARMY'' SMARTset (5 books)
Our "Army" SMARTset includes the following five books: AODS7: Army Operations & Doctrine (Multidomain Operations); BSS7-1: Battle Staff (w/SMARTUpdate 1); SUTS3: Small Unit Tactics; TLS7: Leaders;...

''Multidomain Operations'' Planner's SMARTset (2 books)
BSS7-1: The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 7th Ed. (w/SMARTupdate 1) is designed specifically to work hand-in-hand as a planner’s companion guide to AODS7: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook (Multido...

The ''OPFOR THREAT'' SMARTset (5 books)
Our ''OPFOR THREAT'' SMARTSet includes the following five books: OPFOR SMARTbook 1 - Chinese Military, OPFOR SMARTbook 2 - North Korean Military, OPFOR SMARTbook 3 - Russian Military, 3rd Ed., OPFOR S...

Save when you order our JFODS6: Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook and Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 1: Joint Strategic & Operational Planning (3rd Ed.) books together. Save $14.90!

The ''INFO + CYBER'' SMARTset (2 books)
Save when you order our INFO2 SMARTbook: Information Advantage and CYBER1-1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1) books together. Save $14.90! (...

The ''NAVY'' SMARTset (3 books)
Our Navy SMARTset consists of the three titles most often purchased by our Navy readers -- includes the Naval Operations & Planning SMARTbook, JFODS6: Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, and...

The ''AIR FORCE'' SMARTset (3 books)
The Air Force SMARTset includes the three most requested titles by our Air Force readers: AFOPS2: The Air Force Operations & Planning SMARTbook (2nd Ed.), JFODS6: Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SM...