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Related Books

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The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistician’s SMARTbook, 3rd. Rev. Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)

The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistician’s SMARTbook, 3rd. Rev. Ed. (PREVIOUS EDITION)
ISBN-13 :978-1-935886-33-4
ISBN-10 :1935886339
Release Date :Aug 1st, 2013
Cover Type:Gloss U.V. Coating
Binding Type:Plastic Comb
Print Inside Pages:Black and White
Trim Size:5.5'' x 8.5''
Total Pages:320
New Version

A NEW edition of this book is available!

SMFLS5: The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistics SMARTbook, 5th Ed.

Upgrade/update to the NEW 4th Edition (SMFLS4)!

Upgrade/update to the NEW edition!The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistician’s SMARTbook, 3rd. Rev. Ed. (Aug 2013) has been superseded by a newer 4th edition SMFLS4 (Dec 2015). Always check our website for the most current and up-to-date SMARTbook edition! The Lightning Press is committed to providing the best and most relevant doctrinal material to our readers and are vigilant in reviewing new publications, anticipating upcoming doctrinal releases, and incorporating the updated material into our SMARTbook series!

Click "View New Edition" above to browse the new edition!

SMFLS4 is the fourth revised edition of The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistics SMARTbook. In addition to the most current versions of ADP/ADRP 4-0 Sustainment (Jul ‘12), SMFLS4 incorporates the full scope of new material from ATP 4-94 Theater Sustainment Command (Jun ‘13), ATP 4-93 Sustainment Brigade (Aug ‘13), ATP 4-90 Brigade Support Battalion (Aug ‘14), Sustainment Planning, JP 4-0 Joint Logistics (Oct ‘13), ATP 3-35 Army Deployment and Redeployment (Mar ‘15), and more than a dozen new/updated Army sustainment references to include ATP 4-33, ATP 4-42, ATP 4-16, ATP 4-0.1, ATP 4-34.40, ATP 4-92, FM 1-0, FM 1-04, FM 1-05, FM 1-06, FM 4-01, FM 4-02, and FM 4-30!

SMFLS5: The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistics SMARTbook, 5th Ed.

AODS7: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 7th Ed.

OPFOR SMARTbook 1 - Chinese Military

BSS7-1: The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 7th Ed. (w/SMARTupdate 1)

JFODS6: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 6th Ed.

OPFOR SMARTbook 4 - Iran & the Middle East