Multidomain Ops Planning Set (2 books)
Military Reference: Multi-Service & Specialty
BSS7-1: The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 7th Ed. (w/SMARTupdate 1)
SUTS3: The Small Unit Tactics SMARTbook, 3rd Ed.
TLS7: The Leader's SMARTbook, 7th Ed.
SMFLS5: The Sustainment & Multifunctional Logistics SMARTbook, 5th Ed.
TAA2: The Military Engagement, Security Cooperation & Stability SMARTbook, 2nd Ed. (w/Change 1)
Military Reference: Service-level
AODS7: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 7th Ed.
MAGTF: The MAGTF Operations & Planning SMARTbook
MEU3: The Marine Expeditionary Unit SMARTbook, 3rd Ed.
The Naval Operations & Planning SMARTbook
AFOPS2: The Air Force Operations & Planning SMARTbook, 2nd Ed.
Joint, Strategic, Interagency, & National Security
JFODS6: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 6th Ed.
Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 1 - Joint Strategic & Operational Planning, 3rd Ed.
INFO2 SMARTbook: Information Advantage, 2nd Ed.
CYBER1-1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1)
CTS1: The Counterterrorism, WMD & Hybrid Threat SMARTbook
Threat, OPFOR, Regional & Cultural
OPFOR SMARTbook 1 - Chinese Military
OPFOR SMARTbook 2 - North Korean Military
OPFOR SMARTbook 3 - Russian Military, 3rd Ed. (OPFOR 3-3)
OPFOR SMARTbook 4 - Iran & the Middle East
OPFOR SMARTbook 5 - Irregular & Hybrid Threat
Homeland Defense, DSCA, & Disaster Response
HDS1: The Homeland Defense & DSCA SMARTbook
Disaster Response SMARTbook 1 - Federal/National Disaster Response
Disaster Response SMARTbook 2 - Incident Command System (ICS)
Disaster Response SMARTbook 3 - Disaster Preparedness, 2nd Ed.
CYBER1-1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1)
Change 1 (Feb '25) SMARTupdate to BSS7
Change 1 (ADP 3-13/JP 3-04) SMARTupdate to INFO1
Change 1 (Aug ‘21) SMARTupdate to CYBER1
Change 1 (July 2019 ADPs) SMARTupdate to AODS6
Books in Development
The ''WARFIGHTING'' SUPERset (7 books)
The ''ARMY'' SMARTset (5 books)
''Multidomain Operations'' Planner's SMARTset (2 books)
The ''OPFOR THREAT'' SMARTset (5 books)
The ''INFO + CYBER'' SMARTset (2 books)
The ''NAVY'' SMARTset (3 books)
The ''AIR FORCE'' SMARTset (3 books)
The ''MAGTF + MEU'' SMARTset (2 books)
The ''DISASTER RESPONSE'' SMARTset (3 books)