MEU3 is the third edition of the MEU SMARTbook, updated for 2020 with 34 pages of updated/additional material and a return of the original GBC plastic-comb binding. The Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) SMARTbook is designed to be a reference for MEU and PHIBRON Commanders, MEU and PHIBRON staffs and the commanders and staffs of the Major Subordinate Elements (MSE) and Naval Support Elements (NSE) of the ARG-MEU team.
The Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) SMARTbook helps to generate tempo and staff synergy in time-compressed situations through the use of “playbooks” for rapid planning and templates for efficient briefings.
Download a free PDF sample and learn more at: MEU3: The Marine Expeditionary Unit SMARTbook, 3rd Ed. (Guide to Battle Staff Operations & the Rapid Response Planning Process)
The Marine Corps Planning Process (MCPP) is the basis for MEU staff planning. Planning is the art and science of envisioning a desired future and laying out effective ways of bringing it about. In war, planning can be essential to the ability to seize the initiative. In order to seize the initiative, we must be able to anticipate events and act purposefully and effectively before the enemy can. Planning mitigates crises by dealing with crisis situations before they reach crisis proportions.
The Rapid Response Planning Process (R2P2) is an accelerated execution of MCPP geared to Crisis Action Planning. The R2P2 process allows the MEU/PHIBRON to anticipate potential missions, create a set of standardized responses through analytical decision-making, and rehearse their responses to achieve full capability within six hours of receipt of a warning or execute order.
Rapid planning requires extensive training in the techniques and procedures associated with R2P2. It requires standardized, detailed, parallel, and concurrent command and staff actions using Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that are understood by all members of the unit.
MEU3: The Marine Expeditionary Unit SMARTbook, 3rd Ed. is designed as a companion book (focused on MEU-level battle staff operations) to “MAGTF: The MAGTF Operations & Planning SMARTbook (Guide to Planning & Conducting Marine Air-Ground Task Force Operations)” by Andrew Milburn and Norman M. Wade (The Lightning Press). Readers may wish to consider the discounted bundle of these two books together! Download a free PDF sample and learn more at: MAGTF: The MAGTF Operations & Planning SMARTbook.
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