Guide to Joint, Multinational & Interorganizational Operations
Announcing a new FIFTH revised edition! JFODS5: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed., incorporates the full scope of new material from the latest editions of JP 3-0 Joint Operations (Jan ‘17), JP 5-0 Joint Planning (Jun ’17), JP 1 Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States (Change 1, Jul ‘17), and JP 3-08 Interorganizational Cooperation (Oct ‘16). Additional chapters and topics include Joint Task Force Headquarters (Jun ‘12), JP 4-0 Joint Logistics (Oct ‘13), JDN 2-13 Commander’s Communication Synchronization (Dec ‘13), JP 3-13 Information Operations (Nov ‘14), and JP 3-16 Multinational Operations (Jul ‘13).
Download a free PDF sample and learn more at: JFODS5: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed. (Guide to Joint, Multinational & Interorganizational Operations).</p>
The nature of the challenges to the United States and its interests demand that the Armed Forces operate as a fully integrated joint team across the conflict continuum. Joint operations are military actions conducted by joint forces and those Service forces employed in specified command relationships with each other, which of themselves do not establish joint forces. The potential range of military activities and operations extends from military engagement, security cooperation, and deterrence in times of relative peace up through major operations and campaigns that typically involve large-scale combat. Joint planning is the deliberate process of determining how (the ways) to use military capabilities (the means) in time and space to achieve objectives (the ends) while considering the associated risks. Joint logistics is the coordinated use, synchronization, and sharing of two or more Military Departments’ logistics resources to support the joint force. Sustainment provides the joint force commanders freedom of action, endurance, and the ability to extend operational reach. A joint task force (JTF) is established when the scope, complexity, or other factors of the contingency or crisis require capabilities of Services from at least two Military Departments operating under a single joint force commander. Information-Related Capabilities (IRCs) are the tools, techniques, or activities that affect any of the three dimensions of the information environment. Achieving national strategic objectives requires effective unified action resulting in unity of effort — to include interagency, intergovernmental, nongovernmental and multinational partners. This is accomplished by interorganizational cooperation, synchronization, and coordination in the use of the diplomatic, informational, military, and economic instruments of national power.
This article is an extract from “JFODS5-1: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed. w/Change 1 (Guide to Joint, Multinational & Interorganizational Operations)” by The Lightning Press. Download a free PDF sample and learn more at: JFODS5-1: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed. w/Change 1 (Guide to Joint, Multinational & Interorganizational Operations). Additionally, for 400 pages of detailed discussion of joint strategic and operational planning refer to Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 1 – Joint Strategic & Operational Planning, 2nd Ed. (Planning for Planners).
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