New! Disaster Response SMARTbook 1 – Federal/National Disaster Response

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Federal/National Disaster response

As a Nation we must maintain a state of readiness to respond to both natural disasters and man-made threats. National response and preparation is the term used to describe the efforts of Federal preparation and Regional coordination of resources and materials required for the material, financial, and cooperative support of all-hazards response at the State, Tribal, and Local level. At the National level, these efforts reflect consideration of both disaster response and national security requirements.

The National Response Framework (NRF) and National Incident Management System (NIMS) provide framework and function for the concepts, structures, and coordination involved the preparation and coordination of the knowledge, systems, and resources required for all-hazards response. The Multiagency Coordination System (MACS) is a system that provides the architecture to support coordination for incident prioritization, critical resource allocation, communications systems integration, and information coordination. Multiagency Coordination Systems assist agencies and organizations responding to an incident.

NRF includes all presidential directives, plans, and programs, associated with disaster response and all support efforts provided by those agencies not directly tied to disaster response, but offering support. NIMS directs and standardizes aspects of coordination and cooperation within and between Federal and Regional response efforts.

Disaster Relief SMARTbook 1 (DRS) provides a detailed explanation of National Response Framework (NRF) and National Incident Management System (NIMS), as well as discussion of the Multiagency Coordination Systems (MACS) as a skill set. It is designed to serve as an comprehensive reference to NRF and NIMS concepts, reference documents, and application; as a pocket reference for experienced responders; or as a desk reference for emergency planners, community leaders, or any responder involved in the process of preparation and coordination of response support and leadership.

Download a free PDF sample and learn more about Disaster Response SMARTbook 1 – Federal/National Disaster Response.

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