The 2017 edition of Joint Publication (JP) 5-0, Joint Planning, reflects current doctrine for conducting joint, interagency, and multinational planning activities across the range of military operations. This keystone publication is part of the core of joint doctrine and establishes the planning framework for our forces’ ability to fight and win as a joint team. As our military continues to serve and protect our Nation in the complex environment of global competition and conflict, we must continually refine our doctrine and update our planning practices based upon those experiences and lessons learned. Our understanding of operations across the spectrum of conflict and the information needed by senior leaders to make strategic and operational-level decisions, developed during the planning process has evolved. This update to JP 5-0 ensures all our operations benefit from the application of our doctrinal planning processes.
Likewise, the practice of Adaptive Planning and Execution has continued to evolve since the last publication of JP 5-0. This publication provides necessary updates to that process, as our combatant commands have continued to develop the ability to provide military options for contingencies.
Joint Planning
Joint planning consists of planning activities associated with joint military operations by combatant commanders (CCDRs) and their subordinate joint force commanders (JFCs) in response to contingencies and crises. It transforms national strategic objectives into activities by development of operational products that include planning for the mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization of joint forces. It ties the military instrument of national power to the achievement of national security goals and objectives and is essential to securing strategic end states across the range of military operations. Planning begins with the end state in mind, providing a unifying purpose around which actions and resources are focused.
Joint planning is the deliberate process of determining how (the ways) to use military capabilities (the means) in time and space to achieve objectives (the ends) while considering the associated risks. Ideally, planning begins with specified national strategic objectives and military end states to provide a unifying purpose around which actions and resources are focused. The joint planning and execution community (JPEC) conducts joint planning to understand the strategic and operational environment (OE) and determines the best method for employing the Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) existing capabilities to achieve national objectives. Joint planning identifies military options the President can integrate with other instruments of national power (diplomatic, economic, informational) to achieve those national objectives. In the process, joint planning identifies likely benefits, costs, and risks associated with proposed military options. In the absence of specified national objectives and military end states, combatant commanders (CCDRs) may propose objectives and military end states for the President’s and/or the Secretary of Defense’s (SecDef’s) consideration before beginning detailed planning. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), as the principal military advisor to the President and SecDef, may offer military advice on the proposed objectives and military end states as a part of this process.
At the strategic level, joint planning provides the President and SecDef options, based on best military advice, on use of the military in addressing national interests and achieving the objectives in the National Security Strategy (NSS) and Defense Strategy Review (DSR). At the operational level, once strategic guidance is given, planning translates this guidance into specific activities aimed at achieving strategic and operational-level objectives and attaining the military end state. This level of planning ties the training, mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization of joint forces to the achievement of military objectives that contribute to the achievement of national security objectives in the service of enduring national interests.
JP 5-0, Joint Planning, is referenced extensively in JFODS5: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed. Material referenced from JP 5-0 includes a 2-pg overview on joint planning, 8 pages on strategic direction and coordination, 20 pages on application of guidance, 12 pages on strategy and campaign development, 25 pages on operational art and design, 50 pages on the joint planning process (JPP), six pages on joint operation plan (OPLAN) format, 12 pages on operation assessment, and 4 pages on transition to execution.
JFODS5-1 is Change 1 to our fifth revised edition of The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook. In addition to new/updated material from the latest editions of JP 3-0 Joint Operations (w/Change 1, Oct ‘18), JP 4-0 Joint Logistics (Feb ‘19), JP 3-33 Joint Task Force Headquarters (Jan ‘18), and JP 3-16 Multinational Operations (Mar ‘19), JFODS5-1 features a completely new chapter on Joint Air, Land, Maritime and Special Operations (JPs 3-30, 3-31, 3-32 & 3-05). Additional topics and references include JP 1 Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States (w/Change 1, Jul ‘17), JP 5-0 Joint Planning (Jun ’17), and JP 3-08 Interorganizational Cooperation (val. Oct ‘17).
This article is an extract from “JFODS5-1: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed. w/Change 1 (Guide to Joint, Multinational & Interorganizational Operations)” by The Lightning Press. Download a free PDF sample and learn more at: JFODS5-1: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed. w/Change 1 (Guide to Joint, Multinational & Interorganizational Operations). Additionally, for 400 pages of detailed discussion of joint strategic and operational planning refer to Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 1 – Joint Strategic & Operational Planning, 2nd Ed. (Planning for Planners).
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