Foreign Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Relief


Keep your SMARTbook up-to-date with the latest doctrine! In addition to revisions and changes, we publish incremental "SMARTupdates" when feasible to update changes in doctrine or new publications in our SMARTbook series. These SMARTupdates are printed/produced in a format that allow the reader to insert the change pages into the original GBC-bound book by simply opening the comb-binding and replacing affected pages.

Change 1 (ADP 3-13/JP 3-04) SMARTupdate to INFO1

SMARTupdate 1 (ADP 3-13/JP 3-04) to INFO1 updates the first edition of the INFO1 SMARTbook (Jul ‘21) by incorporating changes from ADP 3-13, Information (Nov ‘23), JP 3-04,...

Change 1 (Aug ‘21) SMARTupdate to CYBER1

SMARTupdate 1 to CYBER1 (Aug ‘21) updates the first printing of CYBER1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (Oct ‘19) by incorporating new materi...

Change 1 (July 2019 ADPs) SMARTupdate to AODS6

Change 1 (July 2019 APDs) SMARTupdate to AODS6 updates/replaces key material in the first printing of the AODS6: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook (ISBN 978-1-935886...