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Books in Development

Books in Development

  • Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 2 – Interagency Planning & Process

Military Reference: Multi-Service & Specialty

Military Reference: Service-level

Joint, Strategic, Interagency, & National Security

Threat, OPFOR, Regional & Cultural

Homeland Defense, DSCA, & Disaster Response



Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 2 – Interagency Planning & Process

Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 2 – Interagency Planning & Process Sample Unavailable
ISBN-13 :978-1-935886-59-4
Release Note :Projected 2019
Cover Type:Gloss U.V. Coating
Binding Type:Perfect Bind
Print Inside Pages:Black and White
Trim Size:5.5'' x 8.5''
Total Pages:0

Paperback Edition

Price: $42.95 $36.95


Digital Edition (Adobe Digital Editions)

Price: $42.95 $29.95


Bundle & Save (Paperback + Digital)

Price: $85.90 $49.95

Strategic, Interagency & Intergovernmental Planning

Joint operation planning consists of planning activities associated with joint military operations by combatant commanders (CCDRs) and their subordinate joint force commanders (JFCs) in response to contingencies and crises. It transforms national strategic objectives into activities of joint forces.

The Department of Defense (DOD) conducts interorganizational coordination across a range of operations, with each type of operation involving different communities of interests and structures. This is especially pronounced for domestic and foreign operations, which are governed by different authorities and have considerably different US Government (USG) governing structures and stakeholders.

This SMARTbook is currently in development, projected for release in 2019. The Lightning Press will offer three specific Joint-Interagency related titles, plus already offers “JFODS5: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 5th Ed.” and more than a dozen related and supporting “military reference” and “national power” titles! (See “related titles” below.)

Joint/Interagency SMARTbook 1 – Joint Strategic & Operational Planning, 3rd Ed.

INFO2 SMARTbook: Information Advantage

JFODS6: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 6th Ed.

OPFOR SMARTbook 1 - Chinese Military

CYBER1-1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1)

AODS7: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 7th Ed.