Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 3-0 Operations (July 2019) constitutes the Army’s view of how to conduct prompt and sustained operations across multiple domains, and it sets the foundation for developing other principles, tactics, techniques, and procedures detailed in subordinate doctrine publications. It articulates the Army’s operational doctrine for unified land operations. ADP 3-0 accounts for the uncertainty of operations and recognizes that a military operation is a human undertaking. Additionally, this publication is the foundation for training and Army education system curricula related to unified land operations.
ADP 3-0 describes how the Army conducts operations as a unified action partner using the Army’s operational concept—a fundamental statement that frames how Army forces, operating as part of a joint force, conduct operations (ADP 1-01). The Army’s operational concept is unified land operations. ADP 3-0 discusses the foundations, tenets, and doctrine of unified land operations, which serves as a common reference for solving military problems in multiple domains and the framework for the range of military operations across the competition continuum. It is the core of Army doctrine, and it guides how Army forces contribute to unified action.
ADP 3-0 lists key ideas, such as principles and tenets, as a means of organizing ways to think about military problem solving. A narrative discussion follows each list to provide explanation and context about the subject. The proper application of principles and tenets to a particular situation requires situational understanding informed by professional judgment. Like all doctrine, ADP 3-0 provides a common approach to problem solving, not a list of solutions that can substitute for thinking by commanders and staffs.
An operation is a sequence of tactical actions with a common purpose or unifying theme (JP 1). Army forces, as part of the joint force, contribute to the joint fight through the conduct of unified land operations. Unified land operations are simultaneous offensive, defensive, and stability or defense support of civil authorities tasks to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative and consolidate gains to prevent conflict, shape the operational environment, and win our Nation’s wars as part of unified action.
ADP 3-0 Operations (July 2019) is referenced extensively in AODS6: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 6th Ed. (Guide to FM/ADRP 3-0 Operations & the Elements of Combat Power) Material referenced from ADRP 3-0 includes 20 pages on military operations (operations definition, operational environment, operational and mission variables, threats and hazards, war as a human endeavor, unified action, land operations, and readiness through training), 12 pages on operational art (application of operational art, defeat and stability mechanisms, elements of operational art), 20 pages on the Army’s Operational Concept (unified land operations, decisive action, principles, fundamentals and tenets), 8 pages on the operations structure (activities of the operations process, army planning methodologies, warfighting functions, and Army operational framework), and 4 pages on combat power (elements of combat power, the six warfighting functions, and organizing combat power).
AODS6-1: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1*) is the new sixth edition of our Army SMARTbook. Completely updated with the July 2019 ADPs, the 400-pg AODS6-1 includes operations (ADP 3-0), large-scale combat operations (FM 3-0 w/Chg 1), and refocused chapters on the elements of combat power: command & control (ADP 6-0), movement and maneuver (ADPs 3-90, 3-07, 3-28, 3-05), intelligence (ADP 2-0), fires (ADP 3-19), sustainment (ADP 4-0), & protection (ADP 3-37).
Download a free PDF sample and learn more at: AODS6-1: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 6th Ed. w/SMARTupdate 1 (Guide to FM/ADP 3-0 Operations & the Elements of Combat Power)
This article is an extract from “AODS6-1: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 6th Ed. w/SMARTupdate 1 (Guide to FM/ADP 3-0 Operations & the Elements of Combat Power)” by The Lightning Press. Download a free PDF sample and learn more at: AODS6-1: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 6th Ed. w/SMARTupdate 1 (Guide to FM/ADP 3-0 Operations & the Elements of Combat Power).
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