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The ''INFO + CYBER'' SMARTset (2 books)

The ''INFO + CYBER'' SMARTset (2 books)
Save when you order our INFO2 SMARTbook: Information Advantage and CYBER1-1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1) books together. Save $14.90! (Bundle the print and digital versions together and save $74.80!) Kit #0-52000-950-K.

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Books in this set...

  • INFO2 SMARTbook: Information Advantage, 2nd Ed.

  • CYBER1-1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1)


Military Reference: Multi-Service & Specialty

Military Reference: Service-level

Joint, Strategic, Interagency, & National Security

Threat, OPFOR, Regional & Cultural

Homeland Defense, DSCA, & Disaster Response


Books in Development

CYBER1-1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1)

CYBER1-1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1) See a Sample
ISBN-13 :978-1-935886-71-6
ISBN-10 :1935886711
Release Note :Base CYBER1 released Oct '19 (New CYBER1-1 w/SMARTupdate 1 released 22 Sept 21.)
Cover Type:Gloss U.V. Coating
Binding Type:Plastic Comb
Print Inside Pages:Black and White
Trim Size:5.5'' x 8.5''
Total Pages:344

Paperback Edition

Price: $42.95 $36.95


Digital Edition (Available Immediately.)

Price: $42.95 $29.95


Bundle & Save (Paperback + Digital)

Price: $85.90 $49.95

Multi-Domain Guide to Offensive/Defensive CEMA and CO

CYBER1-1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (w/SMARTupdate 1*) (Multi-Domain Guide to Offensive/Defensive CEMA and CO) topics and chapters include cyber intro (global threat, contemporary operating environment, information as a joint function), joint cyberspace operations (CO), cyberspace operations (OCO/DCO/DODIN), electromagnetic warfare (EW) operations, cyber & EW (CEMA) planning, spectrum management operations (SMO/JEMSO), DoD information network (DODIN) operations, acronyms/abbreviations, and a cross-referenced glossary of cyber terms.

*SMARTupdate 1 to CYBER1 (Aug ‘21) updates the first printing of CYBER1: The Cyberspace Operations & Electronic Warfare SMARTbook (Oct ‘19) by incorporating new material from FM 3-12, Cyberspace Operations and Electromagnetic Warfare (Aug ‘21), ATP 3-12.3, Electronic Warfare Techniques (Jul ‘19), ATP 6-02.70, Techniques for Spectrum Management Operations (Oct ‘19), JP 3-85, Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations (May ‘20) and adding a new section on Cyberspace IPB (ATP 2-01.3, Jul ‘19). (Readers of the original/base CYBER1 can obtain SMARTupdate 1 at www.thelightningpress.com/smartupdates/)

United States armed forces operate in an increasingly network-based world. The proliferation of information technologies is changing the way humans interact with each other and their environment, including interactions during military operations. This broad and rapidly changing operational environment requires that today’s armed forces must operate in cyberspace and leverage an electromagnetic spectrum that is increasingly competitive, congested, and contested.

Cyberspace is a global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures and resident data, including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers. Operations in cyberspace contribute to gaining a significant operational advantage for achieving military objectives.

Cyber electromagnetic activities (CEMA) are activities leveraged to seize, retain, and exploit an advantage over adversaries and enemies in both cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum, while simultaneously denying and degrading adversary and enemy use of the same and protecting the mission command system (ADRP 3-0). CEMA consist of cyberspace operations, electronic warfare, and spectrum management operations.

Cyberspace operations (CO) are the employment of cyberspace capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace (JP 3-0). Cyberspace operations consist of three functions: offensive cyberspace operations, defensive cyberspace operations, and Department of Defense information network operations.

Electromagnetic Warfare (EW) (formerly "electronic" warfare) is military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy. EW consists of three functions: electromagnetic attack, electromagnetic protection, and electromagnetic support.

Spectrum management operations (SMO) are the interrelated functions of spectrum management, frequency assignment, host-nation coordination, and policy that enable the planning, management, and execution of operations within the electromagnetic operational environment during all phases of military operations. SMO are the management portions of electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO). EMSO also include electronic warfare.

Department of Defense information network (DODIN) operations are operations to secure, configure, operate, extend, maintain, and sustain DOD cyberspace.

Cybersecurity ensures the confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, and nonrepudiation of friendly information and information systems while denying adversaries access to the same information and information systems. Cybersecurity incorporates actions taken to protect, monitor, analyze, detect, and respond to unauthorized activity on DOD information systems and computer networks.

INFO2 SMARTbook: Information Advantage, 2nd Ed.

JFODS6: The Joint Forces Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 6th Ed.

BSS7-1: The Battle Staff SMARTbook, 7th Ed. (w/SMARTupdate 1)

AODS7: The Army Operations & Doctrine SMARTbook, 7th Ed.

OPFOR SMARTbook 1 - Chinese Military

OPFOR SMARTbook 5 - Irregular & Hybrid Threat

The ''INFO + CYBER'' SMARTset (2 books)